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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

STD's review of Which Wich

Location: Which Wich

Date: 8/10/10

Time: 12:00 to 1:00

Attendees: Rage, Deuce, Pete

Price: Varied between $6.50 to $7.65 with water

Double Deuce: Today we were not sure wich place try for lunch, wich is usually never the case. At any rate, we ended up at Which Wich, wich turned out to be a pleasant experience.

Rage: Yeah, they were pretty packed but the line moved quickly. Wich is a good thing because we were hella hungry. I mean Heft was actually gnawing on his own arm when we were waiting on our food.

Hefty Pete: I was just warming up my jaw muscles, didn’t want to strain anything.

Double Deuce: Upon entering, everything is a little intimidating at first. There are bags on the wall, red markers, and colorful paint – almost thought I was back in my preschool art room. But after looking at the sandwich bags, wich lists the order of choosing your sandwich, it all started to make sense.

Rage: It is a pretty small space especially with no one sitting outside. Okay, well there was one or two people sitting outside (idiots) and they looked sad… I would if I was sitting in 102 degree temperature eating my lunch too.

Hefty Pete: I would be sad too if I had a face like yours, no matter what temperature it was outside.

Rage: The tables were pretty small too. We were sitting at a ‘4 seater’ and I put the quotes around that because it was a pretty intimate setting. If we all went to take a bite out of our sandwiches at the same time we almost made out together orgy style.

Hefty Pete: I was purposely leaning in every time you took a bite of your sandwich. Everyone loves a good game of gay-chicken. Really though, the tables were small, and damn high off the ground. If you have a fear of heights, I wouldn’t eat at this place.

Double Deuce: I was impressed with the variety of sandwich toppings you can choose to personalize your “wich”. They even had coleslaw, cheese wiz, and olive salad. Hefty was hoping they had meat salad, meat sauce, and meat wiz. I really wanted to get the cheese wiz, but I’m pretty certain it would cause explosive diarrhea.

Hefty Pete: I got the olive salad, it was nice to see some variety aside from the standard lettuce/tomato/pickle options at most places. They had enough toppings that I could probably get different things 4 or 5 times before I started repeating. Also, your mother loves the meat wiz!

Rage: I got ‘The Wicked’ wich is a 5-meat, 3-cheese sandwich with of course any topping you want, wich I got honey mustard and ranch mixed in mine. Kind of sounds gross, but it was actually pretty good. Heft, what did you get again?

Hefty Pete: I got the wicked also. I got extra meat on mine, witch was $1 more. Next time though, I’ll be getting double meat, witch is $2 more. I like having the choice. Plus, with the anonymous bag system, I can add extra meat, bacon, and double meat to mine and none of my dining companions will know. This helps protect my sensitive feelings, as people won’t have a reason to call me a fat ass.

Double Deuce: After you order, it is good practice to write something on the back of your sandwich bag. This way you can keep track of your bag when they hang it up to make the orders. Can you guys tell from the photo wich bag is mine?

Hefty Pete: I wasn’t really worried about keeping track of my bag. Cause when I went up there, I grabbed my sandwich plus 2 other random sandwiches. Sucks for them. Side note, the guy in the picture with the blurry face….that’s what happened when the STD bag touched his head.

Double Deuce: They even had a wall where you can hang sandwich bags with drawings or notes written on them after your meal. I quickly took advantage of this situation by posting a bag that read, wich is my glorious attempt to spread STD one place at a time. One of the workers saw my bag, quickly realized that I was a high level restaurant connoisseur, and came over to our table to pamper me.

Rage: We love spreading the STD around.

Hefty Pete: She came over to the table to check your pampers, cause you always smell like you just shit in your pants.

Double Deuce: Shut it Hefty! Not everyone has a cavernous belly to store an abundance of meat – sometimes I have to do what a call a “poo purge in my pampers”. Anywho, back to the review - the price was very reasonable. For a good sized, personalized sandwich and chips, I was happy to pay $7.65. Rage, didn’t you get a free soda with your meal?

Rage: I don’ want to talk about it. I mean I might get arrested for something like that. I guess I can confess. Yeah, so I got a little sprits of sprite instead of water on my third turn to the coke machine. I mean Jesus, they give you this little freakin’ cup enough for three sips of water and you keep having to go back to the machine to get more of it. I just got fed up and said hey a little free sprite won’t kill them. They pretty much get that soda for pennies and charge a left testicle for a drink. It just chaps my ass. That’s all I have to say about that (not really, I could go on)

Hefty Pete: It’s not so much that you got sprite on your third trip up. It’s that on the first trip you had coke, and on the second trip you had root beer. That’s like $12 worth of soda, witch is a lot.

The bottom line: For a sandwich place, we were impressed with the variety of toppings and price. It was an enjoyable change of pace from the typical “stand in front of a sneeze guard and list your toppings” sub joint. The next time we don’t know wich place to go, Which Wich will be on STD’s list.

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